Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Farewell, Aetna!

When he came home from work yesterday, Frank asked me, "Did you get my last text?" I said, "No, I didn't. What did it say?" He then told me that, as of July 1st, we won't have to deal with Aetna anymore. His company decided to switch to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. I've been praying for this change for over a year! While it took longer than I would have liked, I have to remember that God's timing is ALWAYS perfect, and He knows what's best for our family.

I was even praying about it again yesterday, while I was driving home from the dentist's office. Little did I know that Frank would be cutting a check to Blue Cross/Blue Shield shortly after I prayed!

I am constantly amazed by God's goodness and His faithfulness. He knows our needs, even before they arise, and He is faithful to provide for them. He knew that Daniel needed a mom and dad who would fight for him, who would be diligent in getting him the care he needs, and He put Daniel in our family. I am blessed to be the mom of such a sweet, wonderful boy. I can't wait to see how God is going to use Daniel in other people's lives.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I am so happy for you. The devil in Aetna can't get the best of you, that's for sure!

    Praise God for BC/BS!!!
