Monday, September 7, 2009

My Little Angel Sent From Heaven Above

For the past couple of weeks, Annie's been calling me her angel sent from heaven above, mainly due to the fact that I killed huge centipede in the boys' room, and she's terrified of bugs. Tonight, as I was tucking Josh back in bed after he got up, I told him he was my angel sent from heaven above, and I was struck by the truth in those words. He was our surprise baby, born just 3 1/2 months before my mom died, and I have no idea how I would have gotten through the months following her death if I wouldn't have had a small baby to care for.

Annie was in preschool 3 afternoons a week, and Daniel was in preschool 4 mornings a week. While I had one older child home at all times, Daniel still took naps in the afternoon. Having Josh to take care of was such a blessing! I can remember so many times when I would think of my mom and look at Josh and see nothing but hope in his little life.

I still am filled with hope when I think about Josh. Having a child with sensory processing disorder can be very difficult and discouraging. Watching Daniel struggle through much of his life has been hard, to say the least. Watching Josh outdo himself over and over again is very encouraging, on the other hand. While I have to keep on my toes to stay one step ahead of him, it is absolutely amazing to watch how he interacts with people, and it is wonderful to see him grow and mature. He truly is my little angel sent from heaven above!